Fergie stands up and says he did indeed create all of you. Scientist scoffs and asks for proof.

Ferg reaches to reds left and a person glitches into existence. they look at you and Scientist until they're glitched back out of reality.

Scientist exhales and shutters. they laugh and explain to themself that they're dreaming and they've been in a coma all this time. Ferg raises his eyebrows and looks at you, ready for another question.

Ferg lists several answers.
it's entertaining. it's funny. it's good practice. and it's fun.

Scientist asks how any of this is entertaining or funny. Ferg shrugs and says piss is funny, and it just is- at least to him.

Scientist sighs and asks if Person was right about him being a sadist. Ferg says red isn't in the literal sense. Scientist rolls their eyes.

Ferg says your suspicions of everything being a game is correct. stick says what stick meant earlier with "good practice," is that it's good for improving sticks art and writing skills, and to see how stick's improved.

Scientist groans and yells at you and Ferg to shut up. they rant that it's impossible for any of this to be just a video game and their memories, feelings, and thoughts are proof.

Ferg tells them that all characters have memories and thoughts, and mockingly asks if they've ever watched a fictional movie.

Scientist and Fergie argue until Scientist snaps and attacks, scratching him.

Fergie effortlessly chokes Scientist, because i am very strong and cool.

he says it was fun drawing them, and watches Scientist get pissified while you step back in shock.

Ferg drops your friend, who stays laying on the floor, and turns to you, asking if you'd like to know anything else.

Fergie says he doesn't know, but it'll come someday.

red asks if you've got any more questions, and you shake your head.

red asks if you know what's coming for you, and you nod.

and with that, Fergie hits you with a tower of piss orbs and says, "See you next time!!"

Detective can't help but be afraid to finally die. they don't want to go, but their time has already run out.they struggle, trying to change their fate and refusing to accept the truth.but they're only fiction, so their vision fades no matter what they do.